
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Muslims are going to Heaven?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So I am sitting in my class here at Regent University; a university run by Pat Robertson, owner of CBN. I was surprised that one of the chair members of the school asked us to draw what we thought was the face of God. After about 5 minutes we were asked if we thought what we drew was like the person next to us. Now we didn't have to show each other what we all drew but we had to say if we thought what we drew was the same as someone else. I obviously, like everyone else, said no. The faculty member then went on to say that if someone has a concept of God, then we must respect that. Sitting there I was like, "okay, I can agree with that." Then, out of nowhere the faculty member said that we had to respect the Muslims and once again I agreed with  them. The part that REALLY caught me off-guard was when they said that we couldn't know for sure whether or not the Muslims were right or wrong. They said "I haven't gone to Heaven or not so I can't say if my way is the right way or not." I agree that I do not know what "their way" is so I can not say if they are going to Heaven or not...only God knows that.

Well, I just thought it would be interesting to those of you out there to know that Regent University now believes that Muslims might just have it right.

Until next time,


P.S. But they said they agreed with the Nicene Creed O.o

Monday, February 16, 2009


Monday, February 16, 2009

This is our apartment and like a lot of you know, we had a meeting
today about whether or not we would have a place to live starting in
August. We just got done with our meeting and thankfully there was a
place still available for us in the other housing building (they are
making this building just for single undergrads). So I am glad we have
a place to live, even if rent is going up $75.

Thanks to everyone who kept this issue in their prayers. :)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hell on earth...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yesterday was terrible!

Allison and I worked yesterday from 9 to 3. Needless to say Mrs. Davis
worked and I almost freaked on her because she constantly was
screaming at me for doing my job...make any sense?

Well there was also some drama with this chick at work...some people
need to grow up and start earnin their paycheck. People think they
have worked there so long that they feel they can be slack and not
have to take orders (from those above them). It is going to be a rude
awakening when/if they get another job and their new boss isn't so nice.

I had Trent over lastnight, which turned into Kev and Nick coming over
as well. My Xbox360 died and THEN my wii died...all on the same
day...what a day!


Come on and give me a break!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is my wife.

You have to start somewhere...

Well, I've been putting a lot of important things off for a long time...

So I thought I would make this Blob to tell everyone about it and to have another way to procrastinate!

Mobile Blogging from here.